Aster Lit: Wanderlust

Issue 6—Summer 2022


Starlit Awards in Poetry and Prose

Each issue, we hope to recognize submissions outstanding in mastery of craft or originality of voice. This issue, the winners of the Starlit Award in Poetry and the Starlit Award in Prose each will receive monetary awards of $100. We are proud to present the Summer 2022 Starlit Award to Pritha Jain (India) and Tania Banerjee (India). Honorable mention recipients are Samuel Ajani (Nigeria), Zainab Saeed (South Africa), and Elena Jiang (China).

Scroll down to read the rest of the Summer 2022 Issue.


Pritha Jain — Poetry

Starlit Award Winner

Samuel Ajani — Poetry

Honorable Mention

Zainab Saeed — Poetry

Honorable Mention


Tania Banerjee — Prose

Starlit Award Winner

Elena Jiang — Prose

Honorable Mention



the strong desire or longing for wandering

Theme Winners

Each issue, we recognize two theme winners—one for poetry and one for prose—who we believe demonstrate thoughtful and creative engagement with our theme and sophisticated use of their craft to tell compelling and unique stories. Theme winners for our Summer 2022 Issue are Bayan Arif (Pakistan) and A.J. Gallows (South Africa).

Read more about the theme here.

Bayan Arif — Poetry


A.J. Gallows — Prose


Themed Poetry

Ariana Thornton — creation story

Bayan Arif — Let's Wander Together While Being Apart

Elena Jiang — Introductions at the Orphanage

Franklin Yorm A Traveler's Dilemma

George Gumikiriza Looking for my Muse

Hebe Kearney subtle knife

Hunza Ghanchi — Home or somewhere far away from it?

Iman Waqas Eulogy Of A Revived Heart

Olalekan Hussein Litanies — The rendition of life for a faithless boy.

Paridhi Poddar Wish Fountains

Samuel Ajani Portrait of a Boy Crusading for Joy

Sayani Mukherjee — A hazel hope

Tania Banerjee Doorways

Tudor B.

Zaynab Bobi — Tradition

Unthemed Poetry

Bharti Bansal Alternate methods of sexting

Jiyaa Khanna

Ogwuche Bella Cursed

Pritha Jain three tiered daydreams

Zainab Saeed I Swallow Mangoes Whole


Themed Prose

A.J. Gallows Desert Walker

Ashley-Christabelle Omoregie — This Is Home

Elena Jiang — My Grandfather Tells Me

Emmanuel Ede — Have You Seen The Wind?

Jada Leung — The Search

Lyra Adney — This Small Infinity

Sabrina Anwar Qureshi If I lived by the sea

Tania Banerjee — Women Eat Their Hunger for Lunch

Unthemed Prose

Hunza Ghanchi — Kitchen

Jerubel Keziah — None Can Hear Thee Scream

V. M. — Soucouyant


Note from the Editors

Wanderlust: what word more fitting for an international writing community? With voices from all across the globe, the writing in these pages serve as a microcosm of people, places, and experiences unlike any other. Through these poems and stories, we hope you’ll wander—even if only for a moment—through starlit streets and sun-drenched elsewheres.

This issue, we received 482 incredible submissions from over 40 different countries. Issue 6 also marked the highest number of prose pieces we’ve ever included in a publication reflecting the growing quality of writing within the Aster Lit community. As always, we felt so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to wander through your written worlds. To you, a member of our wonderful constellation of stars—whether you’re a reader, a writer, or something entirely different—thank you for making Aster Lit possible.

Selecting pieces for our final publication takes hours of careful consideration and difficult decisions. We truly wish we could publish every submission we receive. If your piece was not selected this issue, we hope you will consider submitting to our upcoming Fall 2022 Issue. Aster Lit Issue 7 will be open for submissions starting in mid-July, and we would love to read what you’ve got! In the meantime, you can follow us on Instagram (@aster.lit) to stay involved with our community and receive the latest updates on our magazine submissions.

We love you. Your voice matters. Keep telling stories.


The Aster Lit Team