Aster Lit: Wanderlust

Issue 6—Summer 2022

Tudor B, Romania

chapped lips

are a reminder of the whipping mountain blizzards in breath mint ads

sore feet

morph into the memory-foam soles that trudge on rocky hiking paths on every screen at the mall

snowblind mornings

ephemeral mementos of the penguin delivery service you were promised with your fridge

overwhelming sickness

like the wild thrashing jungle begging to be tamed in drug commercials

every pain

a sign to head for the hills, mountains, jungles, ends of the familiar chronotope

every stride

closer to a sense of salvation that ultimately brings you closer to yourself

your self

a temple of joy and comfort, averse to adversity, afraid of being disrupted

being disrupted

removal by force from blissful auto-pilot, being forced to course-correct through external means

external means

simulacra of everywhere that isn't here, now I learned to call it

conditioned wanderlust

Tudor B is a 19-year-old Comparative Literature student from Romania. He started writing 4 years ago and once he found poetry, he knew he had also found his passion. He believes that everything around us is a poem waiting to be written and so made it his mission to help the world by writing as many of them down as he could by pursuing a career in it.