Aster Lit: Anemoia

Issue 2—Summer 2021

Ode to the Metro Sunset

Shannia Bernal, Philippines

It is the orange that gently
caress these weary faces.
The soft burning between
buildings, His Majesty’s robe
no longer blinds yet still,
gloriously trailing as He
descends towards His people
tired from working.

Your beauty paints
the smoke-filled sky, insistently
peeking in the hugeness
Of the city; that although
your face is slightly covered,
the warm glow slips within,
smoothing the creased
brows of the impatient, those
who await their ride home.

As the orange folds
in the coming darkness,
the invitation remains—
that while the light
is out of sight, rest comes
to those who ask for it.

Shannia is a 22-year-old daydreamer who recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature. She enjoys walking and drinking a cup of ginger tea in the morning. Recently, she became interested in cooking and tried to gather and experiment different recipes with whatever tools and ingredients she has in the kitchen.